On blogging
Ah, where to start?… As our good friend Julie Andrews once said, “Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.”
I’ve thought about starting a blog for years. But back in the 2010s there was a surge where everyone and their mom was starting a blog and so I obviously didn’t want to jump on that bandwagon. For whatever reason, I don’t like following trends, even though I’m a recovering people pleaser who has spent the past 31 years of my life trying to gain people’s acceptance. If someone had asked me to start a blog, I probably definitely might would have - just so they wouldn’t be upset… But since everyone was doing it and no one asked me to, I didn’t want to be like all those silly people who started blogs.
Here I am, probably 10 years later, finally starting a blog. Insert face palm emoji.
I like to write. Writing is one of my main ways of processing things, particularly overwhelming things, in my life. I start most days with a cup of coffee (with creamer, obviously), my Bible, and my journal. Most mornings I write a letter of sorts to the Lord. Sometimes it feels like I’m having a conversation with Him, but usually it’s just me processing through something that happened the day before or something that I’m thinking about for the upcoming day. It’s where I try to get ahold of my overwhelm, where I untangle my emotions, and where I express my gratitude for all of the good things He has placed in my life.
I also like to share. Not necessarily my ice cream, but my struggles. One positive thing that social media has shown me (I have a love/hate relationship with sm like everyone else but FOMO keeps me coming back…) is that when we share something vulnerable, it simultaneously helps us and other people. When people respond kindly to our vulnerability, it affirms us. And when we share our vulnerabilities with others, it can help both of us feel less alone and give them the courage to share their own struggles. We are all fighting our own demons, but I think often we are fighting similar ones. And it’s always easier when you don’t have to fight alone.
So here I am, starting a blog. One, so I can process all the things in my life. And two, so that maybe something I’m learning along the way will help you too. I hope you find my blog posts funny, relatable, and encouraging. I hope they make you feel less alone.